- 姓名: 刘建华
- 性别: 男
- 职称: 研究员
- 职务:
- 学历: 博士研究生
- 电话: 010-82547259
- 传真:
- 电子邮件: liujianhua@mail.iee.ac.cn
- 所属部门: 超导磁体及强磁场应用研究部
- 通讯地址: 北京市海淀区中关村北二条六号
简 历:
superconductor science and technology(sust);
ieee trans. appl. supercond;
, qiuliang wang et al., “world record 32.35tesla direct-current magnetic field generated with an all-superconducting magnet,” supercond. sci. technol., 33 (2020) 03lt01
[2] jianhua liu ; lei wang ; yaohui wang ; qiuliang wang ; yinming dai, “design of a 30 t superconducting magnet for quantum oscillation application,” ieee trans. appl. supercond., vol.29, no.5, pp. 4301205, 2019
[3] 刘建华, 张子立, 王耀辉, 王秋良,“强磁场在介入医学中的应用”,科学通报,2019 年第 64 卷第 1 期: 1 ~ 15(ei indexed)
[4] jianhua liu, lei wang, lang qin, qiuliang wang, yinming dai, lankai li, kun chang, “recent development of the 25 t all-superconducting magnet at iee,” ieee trans. appl. supercond., vol.28, no.4, pp.1-5, june, 2018
[5] jianhua liu, lei wang, lang qin, qiuliang wang, yinming dai, lankai li, kun chang, “recent development of the 25 t all-superconducting magnet at iee,” ieee trans. appl. supercond., vol.28, no.4, pp.1-5, june, 2018
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[8] jianhua liu, housheng wang, yi li, xinning hu, junsheng cheng, yinming dai, qiuliang wang, “design and fabrication of a catheter magnetic navigation system for cardiac arrhythmias,” ieee ieee trans. appl. supercond., june, 2016, 26(4): 4402804
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[1] 2017年军队科学进步二等奖